Under Karin
Under Karin
Face Sitting, Body Worship and Bondage
By Andrea Jordan
Copyright 2015 Andrea Jordan
Smashwords Edition
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Under her Butt
Between her Thighs
Handcuffed in Public
Shackled Together for the Night
Chained to the Railings
No One Leaves Karin
Under Her Butt
A day of face sitting in a smother box
Karin made the short walk from her flat to the train station and waited on the concourse as arranged. 8am was early for her to be up, but this was easy money. As a student she needed all the money she could get and easy money was her favourite kind.
She stood at the agreed place, her feet fidgeting in her old tan boots, trying to stay warm. The cold winter air was blowing straight through her well worn blue denim jeans. Her old leather jacket gave slightly more protection, but she still looked forward to getting back to her small flat to warm up.
James spotted her from a safe distance. Mid twenties, average height, brown hair and glasses, the description of her was accurate. As he walked closer, he observed as much as he could, ready to take the final decision of whether to go through with this.
She had an attractive face, maybe even stunning in a good light. She had full lips that were in a constant pout. Her figure was hard to tell through her jacket. Her legs looked nice in her well fitting jeans, curvy rather than slim with an hourglass figure, but still with the advantage of youth. Unfortunately she was standing facing him with her back against the wall and so he was unable to take a view on maybe her most important characteristic.
He was now too close, she had spotted him.
"Karin? Nice to meet you," he said.
"James!" She smiled. He smiled back.
"Money arrive OK?" James knew she spoke little English, however he spoke even less German.
"Can I get you a coffee?
She was a little surprised by the offer, but also pleased with the attractive, easy smile of her friend for the day. While the money was good and the work easy, meeting strangers was always dangerous. Meeting in a public place helped and she also took other precautions. She had taken self defence classes and carried an illegal stun gun and a knife. Messing with her could be a very bad idea.
She’d often thought about what she would do to anyone that tried to attack her. Most ideas involved her driving into the forest and handcuffing the unconscious fool to a large tree. Karin hadn’t made up her mind whether she would ever release him or leave him to die. It would depend on her mood on the day.
However, James seemed OK, tall, attractive, with lovely eyes. He had that slightly nervous, unsure look that usually indicated a nice guy just indulging in a secret fetish. He ordered from a takeaway counter and they stood together drinking lattes, the language barrier making it hard to communicate other than through the occasional smile. Karin looked both nervous and excited as she held the hot drink in both hands in an attempt to warm up.
She was leaning casually against a rail that ran along the wall of the coffee shop, providing a temporary seat. James glanced down discretely, trying to take in exactly how she was sitting on the metal rail, but the heavy outdoor clothing hid the all important detail. Instead he watched as she frequently flicked her shoulder length brown hair back over her shoulder, a cute habit in James’s opinion.
With their drinks still unfinished, they walked the five minutes back to Karin’s small flat. James deliberately let her get a few steps in front before following, this really was his last chance to decide whether he wanted to go through with the day as planned. James followed her as she climbed the steps to her fifth floor apartment. He watched with interest as she walked, focusing on the crease that formed around her butt and the top of her thighs each time she took a step.
The set up in her flat was basic, but perfectly functional. The smother box was set up in the middle of the spare bedroom. It was constructed of strong hardwood and comprised both the box and a padded bench for its victim to lie on. Both the box and the bench were raised off the floor so that the box lid was at the height of a standard chair.
"Try?" Karin asked as she lifted up the lid.
James removed his overcoat and suit jacket and lay on his back on the bench with his head positioned inside the open box. Karin lowered the lid which closed tightly around his throat and removed her jacket to reveal a fitted white jumper underneath. Although it was getting too late to change his mind, James craned his eyes to assess her figure and was pleased to see a perfect hourglass, with a narrow waist curving out over full womanly hips and a sweet butt.
A few seconds later it was too late as Karin casually dropped down on to the edge of the closed smother box and sat with her jeans less than an inch away from the hole and James’s face. As always, the female body looked much more intimidating when perched directly above his head. She removed her glasses and rubbed her eye to remove a speck of dust that was causing an irritation. With the irritation removed, her focus returned to James.
"I can padlock if like?"
From his position, the woman sitting on top of the box looked more than capable of keeping the lid shut with her weight alone, but as she was already holding an unlocked padlock, he decided he should play along. "Sure," he replied.
Karin closed the hasp and locked it in place with a cheap looking padlock that grated metal on metal as it closed. Cheap or not, it would hold him. He tried to wriggle his head back out of the box, but with the lid closed it was impossible.
“Trap.” she said as she waived a finger as if telling off a kid.
“Yes, I see.”
Karin slid her butt off the edge of the box lid and was now fiddling with four short lengths of chain that were attached to the bench, positioned by each of his wrists and ankles.
"And lock here also?"
"Yes, sure."
James couldn't see much as Karin spent several minutes padlocking chains around his wrists and ankles.
"They're quite tight."
She stopped and gazed at him with a puzzled look. OK it was his fault for not learning some basic German. Certain German phrases, such as 'I can't breathe’, could prove to be useful.
James was also concerned about the size of the smother box. It wasn't that deep and as a result, his face protruded slightly through the hole in the lid. At the same time, the inside of the box was padded which made it fit tightly around his head. There was no way he could turn his head from side to side even if his life depended on it.
He watched as Karin pulled her study table over so that it straddled both the bench and his body where she could reach it while sitting on the box. She walked back and forth collecting pens and books to set her up for the morning. James spent his time trying to grab glimpses of her butt as she walked, to better understand what the day might be like for him.
"Panties, yes?" Karin asked, having obviously brushed up on that word.
"Good, best for me too. Jeans very hard."
James smiled, he'd never really considered it from her point of view. Sitting on an uneven surface in jeans probably would be less comfortable for her, although at least she wouldn’t be at risk of a broken nose.
Karin unbuttoned and eased out of her worn jeans to reveal orangey red panties. The und
erwear had ridden up her butt and she pulled it back out as she arched her back and stretched up. Karin’s butt really was one of her best features, full and pert at the same time, no doubt the result of living on the fifth floor of a lift-less building.
Karin stood astride James’s chest wearing a strange ensemble of white jumper and orange panties. Even from there, James could smell the perfume that she'd sprayed over her butt, which was strange as he hadn't smelt perfume on her face when they'd kissed earlier. Maybe that was to be expected from someone in her line of work. He tried to identity the scent as she lowered her butt down on to the centre of the smother box so that she was looking towards his chained up body.
At first she was very gentle, taking much of her weight through her hands that rested on either side of the lid. She moved back and forth until she was happy with her position
"OK we start."
This was not a question, but a statement as she removed her hands and sat on his face with her full weight. Karin was now sitting fully on James’s face with only his bottom lip peeping out from under her crotch. All of his other features were gone from view. She straightened her legs out in front of her, keeping a small gap between her thighs so that he could breath. She checked to make sure she had the hole completely sealed and then flicked her hair back and shrugged her shoulders.
Karin's slightly fuller figure was enough to completely seal the whole in the top of the smother box. James's only air now filtered into his mouth through the small gap between Karin’s almost closed thighs. The air down there was limited and heavily scented, but was just adequate to keep him alive. In addition to the perfume, he could smell something else. Karin’s own scent that filled the small void and was being sucked deep into his lungs. Within minutes, this woman’s fragrance was pumping around his body.
Although dark, silent and airless, beneath Karin’s butt was not an unpleasant place to be. Her butt was warm, beautifully so, having just been released from the confines of her tight jeans. While her flat may have been cold, Karin's butt ensured that everything sealed up in the box beneath her stayed warm.
"Nose nose nose." Karin said aloud to herself having learnt the word especially. She actually enjoyed the feeling of it pushed deep between her cheeks. The nose’s highly sensitive sense of smell and delicate airway were rendered completely useless, but at least it gave Karin a fun sensation between her cheeks.
It had only been a couple of weeks earlier when James had been surfing the web while on a particularly boring conference call. Google had helpfully translated the page from its original German. 'Long time face sit.' The translation hadn't been great but he understood. A German student was offering a full day of face sitting, guaranteed six hours. James liked the simplicity and efficiency of the idea. If this girl was sitting around studying anyway, and if there was a market for her services, why not sit on something more than just a chair.
Six hours under some unknown girl's butt! The idea seemed crazy, at first, but later the idea started to obsess him. Then a few emails and meeting changes later and his next work trip to Germany included a free day.
Even before Karin had sat down, James’s cock had been rock hard. Five minutes later and he was ready to relieve himself. Unfortunately, his hands were tightly chained to the bench and couldn’t get anywhere near his cock. He tried to talk but his lips wouldn't move, being totally immobilised by her weight. As talking didn't work, he rattled his chained hands repeatedly in an attempt to get the woman’s attention.
Karin put down her pen and lined it up neatly by her paper. She composed herself and rolled her hip to one side to reveal half of his face.
"Six hours, yes." Again it wasn't a question.
"Yes, but ...." Was all James managed to say before her hips rolled back down and the front of her pink panties rested back down on to his mouth.
He rattled again and this time Karin responded by closing her thighs. Her thighs were now touching and forming an airtight seal and within a few seconds James found it hard to breath. She stopped studying and looked down at her lap to monitor the situation. Only when the rattling of chains stopped did Karin open her thighs slightly. She smiled as she heard the desperate intake of air from beneath her.
"Only good boy have air." She said as she returned to her work, her thighs resting menacingly close together.
Karin continued to read her notes and then started to answer questions from a previous exam paper. She filled one page with her scribbles and then turned over and continued to write. It was going well, if this question came up in this year's exam then she would be fine. An hour had passed and she hadn't once thought about the guy beneath her.
James lay still beneath her in his sealed prison, now knowing what would happened if he made a noise. The big thighs above him would touch, skin against skin. Barely any movement on her part, but it would cut his air supply and as far as he knew that would kill him.
Karin was giving him exactly what she’d promised. All was black and silent. He was in complete sensory deprivation, apart from her scent. He was turned on for sure, but he also felt very relaxed. Beneath Karin was a very calming place. There was nothing he had to do, indeed absolutely nothing he could do.
The hole in the lid of the box was his only window on the world and Karin’s butt and thighs filled it completely. As such he was fully focused on those parts of her body. Occasionally she would shift her weight, slightly changing the way she was sitting. Although these movements were slight, they represented big news down in his tiny world.
Karin finished the exam paper and turned on the radio. Although the sound of the radio was barely audio to James, he could feel the small vibrations as she tapped her foot on the bench. She wriggled her body and felt the contours of his face beneath her. She loved the power this work gave her. It wasn't often in life that you could snap shut padlocks and leave someone helplessly in chains. And then stimulate yourself by sitting on their face. And with her personalised panty blindfold pressing directly on his eyes and taking away his sight, there was no risk of him seeing what she was doing.
She lent to the left and lifted her butt off one side of his face. She’d been sitting for so long, her skin had stuck slightly to the black padding of the lid. Her pink satin underwear had also stuck to his face and it peeled off as she moved.
“OK in there?”
James looked up at her with his one free eye trying to read her expression, which seemed a mix of confidence, arousal and sleepy all at once. He opened his mouth to reply, but was too late as she sat back down, once again putting his mouth into a panty straitjacket.
Karin stood up exactly three hours after she had sat down. "Lunch now."
James’s face had become accustom to her weight and felt strange without it. His eyes watered as he blinked into the light and he could still smell nothing but her scent. When his sight recovered, he angled his eyes as best he could to see her, but with his face held firmly in place, there was little he could see but the old peeling paint on the cracked ceiling.
"Wow, that was amazing!"
Karin smiled as she eased her jeans back up. "You welcome." She then perched on the edge of the still locked smother box and looked down at him.
"You like jeans?"
"Yes, very nice."
Karin smiled and edged a little closer so that the denim was touching the side of his nose. Her hair hung down, partially covering relaxed face.
"I can do dress also?"
"Dress? Sure."
Karin stood up and stretched and flicked her dark hair back over her shoulders, sleepy from the lack of physical movement. Seemingly in a world of her own, she started to unlock the padlocks and open the box.
By the time James had climbed to his feet, Karin had already disappeared into her bedroom leaving James to stretch and then hunt around for the toilet. The bathroom was small and badly decorated, but well ordered and clean. He found the bottle of perfume that he had been breathing in all m
orning. It wasn’t a big name brand, just a cheap copy.
When he returned, Karin was standing in the middle of the small lounge wearing a short black cocktail dress and heels. She had also put on a little make up and her hair was up in a bun. She’d also removed her glasses even though everything was now slightly blurry. The truth was she liked her attractive, polite guest and despite their brief and very unusual encounter, she wanted to make an effort.
"And special." Karin pulled up her dress to reveal the briefest of black thongs.
James smiled, even though he preferred her previous choice of underwear, the thong leaving nothing to the imagination, with the g-string buried almost out of sight between her cheeks.. But it did reveal her whole beautiful butt which now looked slightly larger and therefore more intimidating.
"That was a quick lunch break," James replied as he obediently climbed back on to the bench and positioned his head in the open box. Karin quickly closed the lid and sat down on one edge. James playfully tried to reopen the box, but Karin just edged a little closer, looked down and shook her head.
"No possible!"
James continued to try and lift the lid and as he did so accidentally placed his hand on her thigh. Karin didn’t say anything, but stopped moving and closed her eyes. James watched her, leaving his hand there for a few seconds more before slowly sliding it off.
“Staying!” she ordered, embarrassed by the silence that had followed.
She stood up and walked away, her little black dress bouncing as she went. James listened as cupboards opened and closed in the kitchen. He could have escaped, the smother box wasn't locked and there was no girl sitting on top, but he remembered the look she'd given him earlier when he’d disobeyed her and decided he should ‘staying’.